The importance of senso-perceptive skills in children of primal school age Literature summary

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Erjon Peqini
Bardhyl Misja


The purpose of this review is to find out the importance other researchers have given to the study of senso-perceptive awareness, as well as the pathways of improvement in lower school-age children. We should use mobility activities to increase the development of coordination and balance in children. Methodology: For this literature review used database as; PubMed, Google Scholar, Web Science and Science Direct. With the help of keywords which include the phrases "senso-perceptive skills", "senso-perceptive skills training", "kinesthetic control", "visual coordination", "proprioception" and other combinations. Results: defining the age of 6-10 generates 154,000 items. The restriction on articles published in the last 10 years generated 16,800 articles. The increased use of keywords channels the search into 330 articles of which 40 were selected as the most relevant articles to our topic. Conclusions: This study of literature aims to illustrate that better developmental support for children can be achieved through exercise and of course a particular importance of senso-perceptive abilities. Another very important point is the definition and design of a manual, with the aim of incorporating into the teaching curriculum. People involved in the education and care of preschoolers should train children's awareness and responsibility for their bodies.

Article Details

How to Cite
Peqini, E., & Misja, B. (2024). The importance of senso-perceptive skills in children of primal school age: Literature summary. Sustainability and Sports Science Journal, 2(4), 211–225.
Review paper
Author Biographies

Erjon Peqini, University Luigj Gurakuqi

Department of Physical Education and Sports. Faculty Science of Education.

Bardhyl Misja, Sports University of Tirana

Department of Education and Health. Faculty of Movement Sciences.


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