Neuromuscular response of young athletes during plyometric and sprint exercises
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The objective was to analyse the neuromuscular response during jumping and sprint exercises in young athletes and adults. Young athletes were divided into 2 groups: indoor soccer (SOC, n = 12) and rugby (RUG, n = 12) and adults were physical education students (PE, n = 12). Sport groups were trained systematically for their sport for 5 years and performed resistance training at least for 2 years. Neuromuscular response was evaluated using a vertical jump test (CMJA), 15-meter sprint test (SPRI) and a rebound test at 3HZ (REB). Force and electromyography were measured during all tests. Leg stiffness (Kvert), rate of force development (RFD) and muscle activation were calculated and analysed. Pre activation and contact EMG were measured for all tests. EMG signal was normalized by CMJA. There were no differences in maturation level between young sport groups as shown by Mirwald’s formula (p = .897). Significant differences were found in favour of RUG vs SOC during CMJA (p = .029). For SPRI and REB, there were no statistical differences between groups for RFD (p = .585) and (p = .056). Kvert showed no group differences among CMJA (p = .396), SPRI (p = .329) and REB (p = .429). It is concluded that a systematic training in young athletes allows the accelerated development of neuromuscular performance.
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