Flexibility and mobility parameters in climbers and non-climbers
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Purpose: In recent years, climbing has become increasingly popular and now has more enthusiasts and research interest than ever before. However, no study has yet considered the relationships between the functional mobility of the upper and lower limbs, climbing experience, climbing-specific hip mobility, and muscle strength. The purpose of this study was to determine whether functional mobility (measured using shoulder mobility and active straight leg raise tests) or climbing-specific hip mobility (measured using an adapted Grant foot raise test [hip flexion] and lateral foot reach test [hip abduction and external rotation determines climbing skills. Methods: A total of 59 volunteer climbers in 3 groups (elite climbers, intermediate climbers, and non-climbers) were assessed according to anthropometry, muscle strength, functional mobility, and hip mobility. Results: Elite climbers performed significantly better than intermediate climbers and non-climbers in tests of the external mobility of the left shoulder (p = .043; η2 = 0.112) and in the adapted Grant foot raise test (p = .023; η2 = 0.126). Conclusions: Elite climbers have greater hip mobility than intermediate climbers and non-climbers. Functional shoulder mobility, especially external rotation, may play a role in effective climbing.
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