Analysis of external load and internal load in AirBadminton A new healthy and recreational sports modality
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The aim of this study was to compare internal load and external load between AirBadminton and traditional indoor badminton. The research was conducted with 8 badminton players from the Alicante Technification Centre, including both men and women. The study was carried out based on the recommendations and guidelines of the International Badminton Federation. The procedure included competitions in both 1vs1 and 2vs2 formats, first on sand and then on hard court. Various variables related to players' internal and external load were analysed, using devices such as WIMU PRO for external load and Polar H7 transmitters for internal load. Data analysis was performed using statistical tests such as T-Student and Wilcoxon. Results showed significant differences between indoor badminton and AirBadminton in terms of internal and external load. In the 1vs1 format, indoor badminton was found to be more demanding, with higher intensity efforts, greater distance covered, and higher heart rate compared to AirBadminton. Similar results were observed in the 2vs2 format, confirming that indoor badminton involves greater effort. AirBadminton may be a healthier and more accessible alternative, suitable for different age groups, as it is less explosive and lighter in terms of internal and external load. Future research should focus on technical, tactical, and full-match duration aspects of this new modality.
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