Effects of Aikido classes on mood in Japanese university students

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Yutaka Sonobe


This study examined the effects of a half-semester of aikido instruction on mood of Japanese university students using multidimensional indicators. In all, 23 female students (18.87 ± 0.76 years old) who attended weekly aikido classes (15 × 90 min for half of a semester) attending a private university in the Tokyo metropolitan area were included in the analysis. The Two-Dimensional Mood Scale (TDMS) was used to measure mood. The classes measured were the third (Period 1) and the fourteenth (Period 2). The TDMS was measured before (Time 1) and after (Time 2) each class. Each measurement took <5 min to complete. A two-factor analysis of variance (period (2) × time (2)) was performed for the vitality level, stability level, pleasure level, and arousal level. The results showed that regardless of the length of the class, changes were seen in the scores of vitality level, pleasure level, and arousal level between before and after the class. Thus, aikido was shown to increase vitality and positively affected pleasant and aroused mood states after class. For stability level, only the period 2 group showed a change in post-class scores. In other words, the second half of the class showed an increase in calm and relaxed mood after class.

Article Details

How to Cite
Sonobe, Y. (2024). Effects of Aikido classes on mood in Japanese university students. Sustainability and Sports Science Journal, 2(3), 132–137. https://doi.org/10.55860/UKYP6826
Health, sports science and sustainability
Author Biography

Yutaka Sonobe, Teikyo Heisei University

Trainer and Sports Management Course. Department of Business Administration. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


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